
Pheasants Tail

Pheasants Tail

Anemanthele lessoniana

An eyecatching evergreen grass with striking orange foliage. It forms a large, slightly arching clump that grows up to 3′ wide and 3′ tall.  The graceful stems move with the slightest breeze, hence the common name of New Zealand wind grass. In its native habitat, New Zealand wind grass is a woodland species and, therefore, quite shade tolerant. However, it is also quite tolerant of sunny locations where the foliage will be much more orange than in the shade.Plant in a sunny spot and keep the soil moist while the plant is establishing. New Zealand wind grass can be slow to get going, but the dramatic foliage is well worth the wait.

Uses: Landscape,

Sun to part shade

Zone 8-11

Height 2-3′