Catlin Sedge
Catlin Sedge
Clumping sedge has fine textured foliage. Leaves are topped by wiry lax seedheads in late spring that lay flat above the foliage. This mowable sedge makes a good lawn substitute and mixes well with other sedges for a shady meadow. Combine with short flowering bulbs for colorful accents.
Native to much of eastern U.S. from Texas to Canada
Height 2-3″ foliage, flowers 6″ above foliage
Full sun to shade
Wide variety of soils
Regular to moderate water
Zone 7-11 Hardy to 0 degrees F.
Space 6″ on center for lawns & pathways; space further in mixed plantings
Used in groups or massed; good as filler, for edging and between pavers. Often used for pathways through taller shade grasses.Trim quarterly to keep plantings dense. Tolerates traffic.